How Will You Make Your Mark?

At Â鶹´«Ã½, we believe you can't achieve your academic goals without developing your total personality. Since the majority of your time is spent outside of the classroom, extracurricular activities help you enjoy the complete college experience. You'll be able to meet and connect with fellow Phins who share your interests. You'll also have so many opportunities to discover new interests and passions. Not sure where to begin? Take a look at some of the options below (and be sure to stop by the Club Fair each fall!) 

Check Out the Club Fair
Club Fair is back!


Spotlight on Cultural, Social Action & Service Clubs
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An estimated 60 percent of American adults live with a chronic illness, such as diabetes, hypertension or cancer. It can be enormously challenging and sometimes isolating for these individuals, who are our friends, neighbors and family members. The Chronic Illness Awareness Club was created with the goal of promoting a greater understanding of chronic conditions and bringing visibility to often invisible illnesses.

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Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; it sounds simple. And on the surface, it is. But as the members of Ignatian Ignite know, making a PB and J is also a way to provide nourishment to those who urgently need it, to find a sense of purpose, and to better understand the community we share.

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PRISM is an LGBTQ+ organization that was created to be a safe space for members of this community and their allies. The organization hosts events and informational so that we may all learn, work and flourish together.